TheĀ Flight Deck

Advantages of a Career in Aviation aviation authors aviation history Apr 25, 2024

Although it’s true that movies such as Top Gun: Maverick have romanticized aviation careers to some degree, the truth is that jobs in this sector come with many benefits. Not only are these...

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Harrison Ford Soars On Screen and Off aviation authors aviation history celebrities who fly Mar 21, 2024

In recent years, actor Harrison Ford has reprised his iconic roles of Indiana Jones, Han Solo and Blade Runner’s Office Deckard. But there’s one more title that Ford refuses to retire:...

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The Enduring Legacy of Bessie Coleman aviation history Feb 26, 2024

Born into a sharecropping family in Texas in 1892, Bessie Coleman developed an early interest in flying, but African Americans, Native Americans and women had no flight training opportunities in...

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Iron Maiden Flies High celebrities who fly Aug 30, 2023

Diehard heavy metal music fans know Bruce Dickinson as the iconic front man of British band Iron Maiden. Since joining the band in 1981, his powerful voice and dynamic stage presence have helped to...

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Darcy Guyant Flies Even Higher After Retirement aviation authors Aug 30, 2023

Darcy Guyant first fell in love with flying in high school, when he got his private license his senior year. Eager for more, Darcy participated in High School to Flight School, a program that...

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Aviation history would have been much shorter without Glen Curtiss. aviation history Aug 30, 2023

Few names shine as brightly as Glenn Curtiss in aviation history, an iconic figure known for his contributions to early aviation and aeronautics. Curtiss's legacy is an inspiring tale of...

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